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Windsurfing around Japan - Jono Dunnett

Windsurfing around Japan - Jono Dunnett

Jono has windsurfed around the UK, Europe – next step Japan – with an Aquapac too…

What gave you the idea to windsurf around Japan?
A Japan based reader of my book (In The Balance) got in touch and said that Japan would be a perfect next challenge if I still had enough "in the tank"! I checked it out and a few happy coincidences later here we are and there is a week to go until my flight to Tokyo.
People tell me that the Japanese people are kind and will treat me well. I am curious to clamber the coastline and be surrounded by the life of the Pacific Ocean. The cultural aspect I am sure will be fascinating. The battles at sea against inclement weather, whilst not something I seek out, are inevitable, and are when life is most vivid and most in the moment. That intensity is quite addictive.

What are the other longest windsurfs you have done?
My first BIG windsurf was round Britain in 2015. That was a childhood ambition, buried for decades, that resurfaced and rescued me when life was seemingly without colour. That was a way to get to know "my island".
Britain showed me that I had unlocked a way to travel that no-one else was doing. A somewhat logical progression after sailing round your country is to sail round your continent, so that is what I set out to do. The Europe trip took 2 years to complete and became the World's Longest Windsurf.
There is a book available about each of these journeys. I enjoy the writing, and the books are my way of doing justice to the experiences lived, and to repay the kindness of strangers.

What drives you to undertake these challenges?

This is just what life has served me up. I know that I am amazingly fortunate to have the freedom and opportunity to see the world from this perspective. The sea has been my place to be happy since childhood and I am always curious to see the next bit of coastline. 

When has an Aquapac proved to be valuable in the past – which cases have you used?

Around Britain and Europe, I used a predecessor to the 28L Heavyweight Toccoa backpack. I sailed over 15000 km with a laptop in the bag and the laptop is still working! Nothing else to add! I will be using the Toccoa Aquapac backpack for the Japan journey.

 https://aquapac.net/collections/backpacks/products/toccoa-daysack-28l-791792-2 ]

Another favourite is a small classic case that I keep my Etrex GPS in.


 It hangs from my boom and keeps me pointed in the right direction when making crossings to land beyond the horizon.

Follow Jono’s journey website: https://japan.onebubble.earth – we look forward to the debrief….

Check out Jonos’ You Tube here… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPPYcw20Z0M


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