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We have a winner!

So there you have it. This appalling pun by Mario Rabaiotti of Port Talbot in Wales was selected as the winner of our caption competition. From a vast pool of mostly even worse puns. And, unsurprisingly, a lot of unprintable filth (you know who you are!)

Mario wins one of our new Bike-Mounted Waterproof Phone Cases. Nice one, Mario!

Here is a shot of Mario (number 39). In his own words "being beaten in a race by a physically superior athlete".

Five runners up will each be getting a copy of Dave Cornthwaite's hilarious book 'Date' in which he recounts his attempt to date 100 women in 100 days.

They are Alicea Murphy, Alison Thackray, John Turner, Ned Aufenast, and Pauly from Woburn Sands who gave no surname (we understand the desire not to be identified with his entry, which had something to do with sperm whales).

Thanks for your many amusing entries. There'll be another competition along soon. Follow our blog or watch this space.

PS:  We were a little surprised not to see "That's why Mums go to Iceland" somewhere in the entries (UK shoppers may get that one, others will probably be mystified).

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